WHKYHAC: End Of Possession Viz
The Viz Launchpad Competition WHKYHAC and Sportlogiq announced a visualization competition using data from the 2023 Season of the Professional Women’s Hockey Players Association. The entry deadline for the competition is July 2, 2023. This will be my final “trial” data visualization before the entry deadline. How Did Teams Lose Possession Of The Puck? This viz is intended to be clear and concise. The viewer should immediately understand that successful passing is important when it comes to maintaining possession of the puck. I know some people don’t like this type of data viz (i.e., anything that resembles a pie chart). In this case I think it works to deliver the simple message that passing is important when it comes to maintaining puck possession. Open the image in a new tab if you want to see a larger version. This simple data viz doesn’t provide any useful information about how to improve passing. For a look at the success rate of a pass attempt based on its angle and the zone in