NHL API: Get NHL Play-By-Play Data



The NHL has a publicly accessible Application Programming Interface (or API) that allows users to obtain a lot of useful data (including detailed play-by-play data). There are a couple of obstacles though: 1) the NHL API does not come with a user manual; and 2) the NHL API is most easily accessed using a programming language such as R or Python. To help you overcome those obstacles I’m writing articles that provide the code (in the R programming language) for functions that pull data from the NHL API.

In this article I provide a function that pulls the play-by-play data for a single game. This is what you’re looking for if you want to take your game analysis to the next level.

The Data

I’m not going to provide a full example of the data pulled by this function (which would be 44 variables). Suffice to say there’s a lot of very interesting stuff, and it’s way more than you’ll get out of a boxscore. Most importantly you’ll find x and y coordinates for the location of events that occur in a hockey game, and my function builds on the raw data to provide variables like “shot distance”, “shot angle” and “dangerous shot attempt”. The function also flags a potential error in the raw NHL data (which does happen).

While there’s a lot of data pulled by this function there is something missing: shift data (i.e., on-ice data). I intend to provide a separate function for pulling that type of data.

The Code

Here’s the code for the function that pulls the play-by-play data for an NHL game.

# FUNCTION: GET PLAY-BY-PLAY DATA ##############################################

# This function pulls (and adds to) the play-by-play data for a single game_id
# This function DOES NOT pull player shift data
# Note: the data provided by the NHL can be incorrect / incomplete
# Use my get_schedule() function to find a game_id
# Wrap this function in a loop to pull data for multiple games at the same time (see EXAMPLE on GitHub)

get_play_by_play_data <- function(game_id) {
        pbp_site <- read_json(paste0("https://statsapi.web.nhl.com/api/v1/game/", game_id, "/feed/live"))
        # Get basic game data 
        game_data <- pbp_site$gameData %>%
                tibble() %>%
                unnest_wider(1) %>%
                select(game_id = pk, season, season_type = type) %>%
                filter(game_id > 0)
        game_date <- pbp_site$gameData$datetime[1]
        game_date <- parse_date(game_date) %>%
                as.POSIXct("EST") %>%
        game_data$date <- game_date
        # Get basic team data
        team_data <- pbp_site$gameData %>%
        team_data <- team_data[4,] %>%
                unnest_wider(1) %>%
                unnest_wider(away) %>%
                select(away_team_id = id,
                       away_team = name,
                       home) %>%
                unnest_wider(home) %>%
                select(home_team_id = id,
                       home_team = name,
        home_team <- team_data$home_team
        away_team <- team_data$away_team
        # Get basic player data and isolate goalie_ids
        player_data <- pbp_site$gameData %>%
        player_data <- player_data[5,] %>%
                unnest_longer(1) %>%
                unnest_wider(1) %>%
                unnest_wider(primaryPosition) %>%
                select(player_id = id,
                       player = fullName,
                       position = type)
        goalies <- filter(player_data, position == "Goalie") %>%
                select(goalie_id = player_id,
                       goalie = player)
        goalie_ids <- goalies$goalie_id
        # Pull play-by-play data (events and coordinates)
        # Event player data is omitted here and is dealt with below
        all_plays <- pbp_site$liveData$plays$allPlays %>%
                tibble() %>%
                unnest_wider(1) %>%
                unnest_wider(result) %>%
                unnest_wider(strength, names_sep = "_") %>%
                unnest_wider(about) %>%
                unnest_wider(goals) %>%
                unnest_wider(coordinates) %>%
                unnest_wider(team, names_sep = "_")
        # Add game details
        all_plays$game_id <- game_data$game_id
        all_plays$season <- game_data$season
        all_plays$season_type <- game_data$season_type
        all_plays$date <- game_data$date
        # Add team details
        all_plays$home_team_id <- team_data$home_team_id
        all_plays$home_team <- team_data$home_team
        all_plays$away_team_id <- team_data$away_team_id
        all_plays$away_team <- team_data$away_team
        # Change time data to seconds and add game clock
        # Set game clock to NA for regular season shootouts
        all_plays$periodTime <- ms(all_plays$periodTime)
        all_plays$periodTime <- period_to_seconds(all_plays$periodTime)
        all_plays$game_seconds <- ((all_plays$period - 1) * 1200) + all_plays$periodTime
        all_plays$game_seconds <- ifelse(all_plays$game_seconds == 4800 & all_plays$season_type == "R", NA, all_plays$game_seconds)
        # Select desired data
        all_plays <- select(all_plays, any_of(c("game_id", 
        # Rename some of the columns
        col_names <- c(event_id = "eventIdx", 
                       event_team_id = "team_id", 
                       event_team = "team_name", 
                       event_type = "eventTypeId", 
                       secondary_type = "secondaryType", 
                       empty_net = "emptyNet", 
                       period_time = "periodTime", 
                       pim = "penaltyMinutes", 
                       home_goals = "home", 
                       away_goals = "away")
        all_plays <- rename(all_plays, any_of(col_names))
        # Find median x-coordinate for team shot attempts by period
        # This is used to determine if the team is shooting to the "left" or "right"
        # Credit to Dan Morse (hockeyR) for the original code used to add fixed coordinates, shot distance, and shot angle (original code has been modified here)
        shot_attempts <- c("MISSED_SHOT","SHOT","GOAL")
        all_plays <- all_plays %>%
                group_by(event_team, period) %>%
                mutate(median_sa = median(x[event_type %in% shot_attempts], na.rm = TRUE)) %>%

        # Add fixed coordinates using median x-coordinate
        # The home team is always shooting to the "right"
        all_plays <- mutate(all_plays, x_fixed = case_when(
                event_team == home_team & median_sa > 0 ~ x,
                event_team == home_team & median_sa < 0 ~ 0 - x,
                event_team == away_team & median_sa > 0 ~ 0 - x,
                event_team == away_team & median_sa < 0 ~ x)) %>%
                mutate(y_fixed = case_when(
                        event_team == home_team & median_sa > 0 ~ y,
                        event_team == home_team & median_sa < 0 ~ 0 - y,
                        event_team == away_team & median_sa > 0 ~ 0 - y,
                        event_team == away_team & median_sa < 0 ~ y))
        # Add shot attempt distance from middle of the net (Euclidean distance formula)
        all_plays <- mutate(all_plays, sa_distance = case_when(
                event_team == home_team & event_type %in% shot_attempts ~ round(abs(sqrt((x_fixed - 89)^2 + (y_fixed)^2)), 1),
                event_team == away_team & event_type %in% shot_attempts ~ round(abs(sqrt((x_fixed - (-89))^2 + (y_fixed)^2)), 1)))
        # Add shot attempt angle from middle of the net
        all_plays <- mutate(all_plays, sa_angle = case_when(
                event_team == home_team & event_type %in% shot_attempts ~ round(abs(atan((0-y_fixed) / (89-x_fixed)) * (180 / pi)), 1),
                event_team == away_team & event_type %in% shot_attempts ~ round(abs(atan((0-y_fixed) / (-89-x_fixed)) * (180 / pi)), 1))) %>%
                mutate(sa_angle = ifelse((event_team == home_team & x_fixed > 89) | (event_team == away_team & x_fixed < -89), 180 - sa_angle, sa_angle))
        # Add dangerous shot attempts (goals, shots, and missed shots)
        # A shot attempt is dangerous if distance <= 35 and angle <= 50
        # OR if distance <= 20 and angle <= 60
        # OR if distance <= 10 and was not taken behind the goal line
        # This captures more than 3/4 of goals scored against a goalie
        all_plays$sa_dangerous <- ifelse(all_plays$sa_distance <= 35 & all_plays$sa_angle <= 50, TRUE, FALSE)
        all_plays$sa_dangerous <- ifelse(all_plays$sa_distance <= 20 & all_plays$sa_angle <= 60, TRUE, all_plays$sa_dangerous)
        all_plays$sa_dangerous <- ifelse(all_plays$sa_distance <= 10 & all_plays$x < 0 & all_plays$x >= -89 , TRUE, all_plays$sa_dangerous)
        all_plays$sa_dangerous <- ifelse(all_plays$sa_distance <= 10 & all_plays$x > 0 & all_plays$x <= 89 , TRUE, all_plays$sa_dangerous)
        # Remove median shot attempt
        all_plays <- select(all_plays, -median_sa)
        # Unpack the event players for the play-by-play data using a loop
        players_raw <- pbp_site$liveData$plays$allPlays %>%
                tibble() %>%
                unnest_wider(1) %>%
                select(players) %>%
                unnest_wider(players, names_sep = "_")
        temp_players_list <- list()
        for(i in 1:length(players_raw)) {
                temp_player_data <- players_raw[,i] %>%
                        unnest_wider(1) %>%
                        unnest_wider(player, names_sep = "_")
                names(temp_player_data)[1] <- paste0("event_player_", i, "_id")
                names(temp_player_data)[2] <- paste0("event_player_", i)
                names(temp_player_data)[4] <- paste0("event_player_", i, "_type")
                temp_player_data <- select(temp_player_data, c(1,2,4))
                temp_players_list[[i]] <- temp_player_data
        players <- bind_cols(temp_players_list)
        # Find the max number of event players (excluding event_player_1)
        event_player_id_cols <- select(players, any_of(c(
        length_cols <- length(event_player_id_cols)
        # Loop through the event players looking for goalies (excluding goalies who get an assist) and capture the goalie_id
        players$goalie_id <- NA
        for (i in 1:length_cols) {
                players <- mutate(players, goalie_id = 
                        ifelse(get(paste0("event_player_", i+1, "_id")) %in% goalie_ids & get(paste0("event_player_", i+1, "_type")) != "Assist", 
                        get((paste0("event_player_", i+1, "_id"))), 
        # Add the names of the goalies
        players <- left_join(players, goalies, by = "goalie_id")
        # Add the event players to the play-by-play data
        pbp_data <- bind_cols(all_plays, players) %>%
        # Add a warning for long distance goals scored against a goalie
        # Potential x-coordinate error in the NHL data
        # Errors happen. If you pull all the data for the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 seasons you will find 18 instances where this check returns a "TRUE"
        # Note: not every instance will be an error. Sometimes goalies let in bad goals
        pbp_data <- mutate(pbp_data, check_x_error = ifelse(event_type == "GOAL" & sa_distance > 89 & goalie_id > 0, TRUE, FALSE))

Get It On GitHub

I’ve created a public repository on GitHub where I’ll be sharing my functions for accessing the NHL’s API. You can go to the repository by clicking here.

The End Of The Article

That’s the end of this article. Follow me on twitter to be notified about new content.


Mark (18 Skaters)